Today Apple released 10.8.5, the fifth (and final?) major update to OS X Mountain Lion. To eliminate any potential issues, we generally recommend to update any supported systems using the standalone combo installer available from, and not the built-in Software Update. The OS X Yosemite v10.10.5 Update is recommended for all OS X Yosemite users. The OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, and is recommended for all users. This update: Improves compatibility with certain email servers when using Mail.
Version 5.3.2:Functionality added or changed:
- Support of ODBCINSTGetProperties in MyODBC Driver (WL #7577)
- Add DFLT_BIGINT_BIND_STR option to Connector/ODBC GUI (Windows and Linux)
- (WL#7579)
- Accessibility features in Connector/ODBC Linux GUI (WL #7635)
Mac Os 10.8.5 Dmg
Bugs fixed:Mac Os 10.5 Iso
- Connect crash if the catalog name given to SQLSetConnectAttr is invalid (Bug #17587913)
- Driver returns wrong length for output parameter streams (Bug #17814768/70946)
- Assert failure in case of prepared statments and SQLDESCRIBECOL() called with column number given larger then actual parameter marker in query. (Bug #17311065)
- SQLFetch() crashing when execute using UnixODBC 2.3.2 (Bug #17857204)
- Segmentation fault in SQLSpecialColumns if table name is invalid (Bug# 17854697)
- Invalid order of free() functions can cause crash (Bug# 17992912)
- Crash in ODBC Driver with CHARSET=WRONGCHARSET (Bug# 17999659)
- Driver and myodbc-installer crash with long option names (>100) and values (>255) (Bug# 17966018)
- ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4 cannot run MyODBC GUI setup to edit an existing
- DSN (Bug# 18046123)
- SQLGetData returning error being called after SQLParamData (Bug #17842966)
- Valgrind: jump or move depends on uninitialised value error from myodbc-installer (Bug# 18046120)
- Memory leak in sqlexecute() when connection is killed from another thread (Bug#17587617)
- Data corruption in SQLBulkOperations because of buffer overrun. (Bug #17714172)
- Segfault in SQLBulkOperations() for SQL_UPDATE_BY_BOOKMARK when select returns 0 records. (Bug# 17714358)
- MS Access crashed when sorting a column (Bug# 17071780/69550)
- Empty query giving segmentation fault in myodbc_casecmp (Bug# 17085344)
- Uninitialized variable free_value can set wrong error in SQLDescribeCol (Bug# 17588101)
- ODBC 5.2.5 DMG installer fails on OSX 10.8.5 (Bug #17512040/70422)
- Bulk insert on time column with hour value > 99 gives error (Bug#17613161)
- Concurrent execution of SQLEndTran() with SQL_HANDLE_ENV results in SEG FAULT (Bug #18166331)
- Workaround to GTK bug in GtkComboBox and GtkComboBoxEntry (WL #7637)
- ODBC Driver GUI in Windows has wrong order of controls selection (Bug# 18240696)
- Wrong installation library directory on some 64bit system other than x86_64. (Bug# 68848)
- SQLNumResultCols() with NULL parameter results in Segmentation Fault (Bug# 18165197)
- Segmentation Fault in SQLExecute() while executing test file 'my_types' (Bug# 18303978)
- Segmentation fault in SQLParamOptions() in Solaris platform (Bug# 18325878)
- Segmentation fault in SQLForeignKeys() when number of columns in the table is more (Bug# 18286366)
- Valgrind memory leak in SQLForeignKeys when NO_I_S=1 (Bug# 18286007)
- Valgrind memory leak in when SQLPrepare used with SQLParamData/SQLPutData for NO_I_S=1 (Bug#18295317)
- The password is getting saved when creating FileDSN using SQLDriverConnect (Bug# 18310873)
- Passing NULL pointer to SQLSetDescField, SQLGetDiagField and SQLGetDiagRec results in a crash (Bug# 18431088)