Redneck Skeet Shooting, A La Jackass

Redneck skeet shooting with prizes. Imagine those buzzy little Amazon drones delivering everything from iPads to bulk-pack diapers across our skies. What’s to stop us rural folk from grabbing rifles, taking aim and having some self-styled Iowa State Fairgrounds fun with the Seattle-based seller of, well, all things? Novedades indies: Remothered: Tormented Fathers, Bad North, Goat Simulator, Itsuwari no Kuro Shinju 2, Transistor, Trine, Clannad, Ovivo, Redneck Skeet Shooting.

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Redneck Skeet Shooting A La Jackass Tv Show

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mack the knife
Member since Oct 2012
4048 posts

question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by mack the knife on 5/16/16 at 2:56 pm

Redneck Skeet Shooting A La Jackass Cast

mack jr #1 shoots competitively: trap, skeet, sporting clays, and 5-stand. he's been doing this for 4 years now. he is having problems on the trap field from the #4 and #5 position. doesn't mater what direction the clay pigeon is going when he is at these 2 positions. he is breaking 2, maybe 3, clays out of the 10 at these 2 positions. last year he was shooting mid 40's and this year the bottom has fallen out and he is in the mid 30's. kinda like the yipps in golf?
he is right handed
his head is staying down on the gun
he is shooting under the clay
he is holding at the correct locations over the house
i'm at a loss. any advice is appreciated.
tldr: can't hit clay pigeons shooting trap from the right side

Team Alpha Beast
Louisiana Tech Fan
Member since Mar 2016
743 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by Team Alpha Beast on 5/16/16 at 4:09 pm to mack the knife
Weird the problem it's just from that side.
Guessing on that side he is shouldering it a little different. Kinda like a mental over compensation.
Or because he is further to the right he might be leaning into the target too much causing the muzzle to dip. Kinda like overreaching.
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somewhere down river
Member since Nov 2013
1154 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by Whatafrekinchessiebr on 5/16/16 at 4:12 pm to mack the knife
Maybe has something to do with his dominate eye?? No idea how to fix it but might be something to look at.

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Redneck Skeet Shooting, A La Jackass
Mississippi St. Fan
Baton Rouge, La
Member since Jul 2011
4443 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by dawg23 on 5/16/16 at 4:24 pm to mack the knife
1. 1st obvious problem - he's under the age of 80, and doesn't walk with his palms facing backward. (old, stale trap shooter ridicule).
2. Seriously -- It's got to be a mental hangup. You say, 'doesn't mater what direction the clay pigeon is going when he is at these 2 positions.'
As you know, at these two positions, there are targets flying straight away, and targets leaving on an acute angle. He apparently doesn't have trouble with 'straight away' targets at positions #1, #2 and #3 -- but has trouble with straight away targets from #4 and #5.
3. If you're shooting at a club that will allow you to do so, try moving him closer to the trap (closer than the 16 yard line).
Also try moving him over beside the low house (skeet house) and shoot the trap targets.
If he can hit targets from these 'unconventional' positions, his subconscious brain may get beyond whatever issue is messing with him -- as you also know, confidence is everything when you have to make a quick move on a target moving away from you at 45 mph.
4. If none of these 'redneck' approaches works, see about getting him a couple of professional lessons. Maybe a good coach will spot a defect that you and he are not seeing. I'm sure the manager at Hunter's Run can recommend someone. (Eddie Baker 225-387-3507)

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Kyrie Eleison
Waco, Texas
Member since Jul 2012
1341 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by Kyrie Eleison on 5/16/16 at 4:28 pm to mack the knife
dunno how hold he is, but if he's grown phyically over the past year you may want to think about getting his gun re-cast as well as check the drop.

mack the knife
Member since Oct 2012
4048 posts

Redneck Skeet Shooting A La Jackass Video

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by mack the knife on 5/16/16 at 6:05 pm to Kyrie Eleison
he's growing like a weed - 16 yrs old
eddie has woked with him along with mr aubry at hunters run
LOP is spot on but i may need to check cast. eye sight is 20/20 as well. it could be mental.

Member since Nov 2007
1432 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by OntarioTiger on 5/16/16 at 6:06 pm to Kyrie Eleison
google sunrise productions trap shooting
They have a great videos showing lead at each station, hold points etc
I watched their skeet videos and went off that's how you do it .... problem is I was shooting for 30 yrs before I saw the video
BTW I really do not enjoy trap shooting, its not for me, I really enjoy sporting clays and skeet

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Member since Jan 2006
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re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by TIGER2 on 5/16/16 at 6:22 pm to mack the knife
For young guys, sometimes talking about how the clay is moving is not enough. Lay it out on paper and show where he should be at on the lead. I only shoot for fun and this helped me years ago.

mack the knife
Member since Oct 2012
4048 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by mack the knife on 5/16/16 at 6:39 pm to TIGER2
good advice and we have done that. this kid is highly technical: as in you really need to use EXACT language with him (future engineer)

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Mississippi St. Fan
Baton Rouge, La
Member since Jul 2011
4443 posts

re: question for trap shooters - gotta' problemPosted by dawg23 on 5/17/16 at 2:03 pm to mack the knife
You've probably tried this, too if you're working with Aubrey & Eddie -- get someone to lock the oscillator mechanism in place so your son can shoot one presentation form each of the 'trouble' positions.
For example -- let him master the straight-away shot from position 5. Then let him master the medium right, then the 'hard right' presentation .......... and so on.
A some point he should have all the presentations locked in, and be able to shoot 'regular' trap where the angle is random.
Just a thought.
p.s. I'm no trap chooter. But I do shoot enough rounds to stay (hopefully) tuned up for sporting clays presentations that are set up like trap shots.

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