Post Secondary Info Evening 2020mac Guidance Services

Regional programs are focused programs that are available to York Region students and are offered at specific secondary schools located throughout the region. These programs include, Arts, Sports and International Baccalaureate. Schools that offer these programs will host evening information sessions and have specific application deadlines. Financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses is provided to adult learners attending evening secondary courses run by the Approved Course Providers in designated centres. Students having fulfilled the eligibility criteria will be reimbursed 30% of the tuition fees paid.

Virtual Post-Secondary Information Night (Gr. 11 & 12)


Advanced Placement (AP) Program

Summer School Courses

Post Secondary Info Evening 2020 Mac Guidance Services Jobs

Post Secondary Info Evening 2020 Mac Guidance Services New York

Virtual Post-Secondary Presentations at Crestwood

Post Secondary Info Evening 2020 Mac Guidance Services Inc