The type of installation depends on your requirement and the platform that you choose to install.
Dual-Core Intel (64-bit) 1 GB of RAM; 700 MB of free space; Download the jdk-7u80-nb-802-macosx-x64.dmg installer file. Installing the Software. After the download completes, run the installer. The installer file has the.dmg extension. On the panel that opens double-click the package icon. The package has the.mpkg extension. Over 1000 Predefined Software Templates. Desktop Central helps you to silently install or uninstall software to servers and desktops from a central place, including commercial software like Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat etc, without user intervention.
Installation Requirements and Related Tasks
To develop or run Java applications, download and install JDK.
Version-String Format
To understand the version-string scheme that is used to distinguish various JDK releases, see Version-String Format.
The JDK can be installed on the following platforms:
You can download JDK from Java SE Development Kit Downloads page.
For supported processors and browsers, see Oracle JDK Certified System Configurations.
The JDK documentation is a separate download. See Java SE Documentation.
Microsoft Windows
Installation of the JDK on Microsoft Windows Platforms: Instructions include steps to install the JDK on 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Installation of the JDK on Linux Platforms: Instructions include installation from Archive binaries and Red Hat Package Manager (RPM).
The installation of the JDK 12 requires macOS 10.11 or later.
Jdk-7u80-macosx-x64.dmg 下载
Installation of the JDK on macOS: Instructions include steps to install the JDK on the macOS platform.
To learn about the files and directories that are created after JDK installation, see Installed Directory Structure of JDK.