Heros Dmg With Zen Orb

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  1. How Much Damage Does A Zen Headshot + Discord Orb Do? : Overwatch
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Why is it that Zenyatta doesn't get a section of stats for the additional damage provided to the rest of the team from discord orbs? I mean yes, your damage is accounted for with the buff (his own shots landing with discord orb up get accounted for under zen himself) but the rest of the teams additional damage from the buff isn't accounted for at all within his stats. Orb on her, and discord on her target). Zen specializes at making fights uneven - so if your reins are duking it out, you orb your rein, discord the enemy rein, and you can already see who will win that fight. Zens ultimate is one of two amazing defensive ults in the game (Lucio's beat being the other). Moira is a Support hero in Overwatch. 1 Overview 2 Abilities 3 Strategy 3.1 General Strategies 4 Match-Ups and Team Synergy 4.1 Tank 4.2 Damage 4.3 Support 5 Story 5.1 Background 5.2 Retribution 5.3 New Employers 6 Achievements 7 Trivia 7.1 Development 7.2 Merchandise 8 Videos 8.1 Official 8.2 Curse 8.3 Ohnickel 8.4 KarQ 8.5 Low Mana Gaming 8.6 TGN 9 Balance Change Logs 10 References 11. Updated Claws numbers. Added a note to the Incarnates section about Banished Pantheon. Added new numbers, info on rotations and a new all purpose build that can tackle general content! So Ive been doing some testing and refining on my farmer builds and wanted to start up a bit of a repository for. Zen'ō Dama) are robotic drones in Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission that are manufactured and sent in-game by Zeno to observe fights.



How Much Damage Does A Zen Headshot + Discord Orb Do? : Overwatch

Real Name: Tekhartha Zenyatta
Age: 20
Occupation: Wandering Guru, Adventurer
Base of Operations: Formerly Shambali Monastery, Nepal
Affiliation: Formerly The Shambali


Heros Dmg With Zen Orb

Damage: 48 (59.8 with orb of discord)
Ammo: 20 shots
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Fire Rate: 2.5 shots per second
Projectile Speed: 80 m/s projectile speed

Why is no statistic listed for Zen

Zenyatta projects his destructive energy orbs individually.

Damage: 48 per orb
Max Damage: 240 bodyshot (5 orbs)
Ammo: 20 orbs
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Charging Rate: .5 seconds per orb
Fire Rate: .1 seconds per orb
Projectile Speed: 80 m/s

  • Charge 5-orb volleys behind cover and fire into chokes to try to get picks
  • If no enemies are around, animation cancel volley to charge your next one faster
    • To animation cancel volley, melee just before release

Zenyatta projects his destructive energy orbs in a rapid-fire volley after a few seconds spent gathering power.

Healing: 30 HP per second
Duration: 3 continuous seconds of broken LoS
Cooldown: none
Range: 40 meters
Projectile Speed: 120 meters per second

Zenyatta casts an orb over the shoulder of a targeted ally. So long as Zenyatta maintains line of sight, the orb slowly restores health to his ally. Only one ally can receive the orb’s benefit at a time.

Damage Debuff: +25% damage to target
Duration: 3 continuous seconds of broken line of site
Cooldown: None
Range: 40 m
Projectile Speed: 120 m/s

  • Weave discord orbs inbetween auto attacks. If done correctly, its an animation cancel
  • Discord Priority
    1. Whoever teammates are focusing
    2. Diving characters in your back line
    3. Supports
    4. DPS
    5. Tanks

Attaching the orb of discord to an opponent amplifies the amount of damage they receive for as long as Zenyatta maintains line of sight. Only one opponent can suffer the orb’s effects at a time.

Heal Rate: 300 healing per second
Duration: 6 seconds
Radius: 10 m
Movement Speed: 11 m/s

Shields and barriers block the healing effects of Zenyatta’s ultimate


Zenyatta enters a state of heightened existence for a short period of time. While transcendent, Zenyatta cannot use abilities or weapons, but is immune to damage and automatically restores his health and that of nearby allies.

Effective Against

Weak Against

Works Well With

Heros Dmg With Zen Orb

Zenyatta Tip for Every Character

Aiming and Movement Guide