What Does The Most Dmg In Classic At 60wizardstree

World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic is a nostalgia driven throwback to 2004’s World of Warcraft.

In Classic, Rogue follows more of a priority list than a strict rotation. On top of that, the list changes slightly depending on the Weapon (and build) you are currently using) Note: most of the time, you'll want to use your Cooldowns at the start of combat, so that you'll get a second (and a third in long encounters) charge before the fight ends. Damage Meter Classic WoW. Addons 4,163,034 Downloads Last Updated: Jan 10, 2021 Game Version: 1.13.6.

Classic servers have been highly demanded feature by the community for years.

If you’re a new player or if you’ve forgotten how WoW used to be back then, here’s a guide on choosing the best DPS classes in Classic WoW.

Skip towards the middle if you’re only interested in the ranking.

The build up to Wow Classic

Enchant Cloak - Subtlety: Decreases threat caused by 2%.

Rogue servers like Nostalrius gave fans the chance to experience Azeroth like in the good old days. Blizzard, however, had been rather strict in shutting down these fan projects quickly.

The backlash by the community was so loud that Blizzard finally caved in and created their own vanilla WoW project. Thus, WoW Classic was announced during 2017’s BlizzCon. The response by fans has been overwhelmingly positive.

Blizzard hasn’t released any concrete numbers as to how many people signed up for WoW Classic, but has already hinted that some servers may see login queues as high as 10.000 people on some servers.

Blizzard had stopped releasing subscriber numbers for World of Warcraft during the fifth expansion of WoW, Warlords of Draenor. Nevertheless, rumors have had it that WoW’s newest expansion, Battle for Azeroth, might have less than two million current subscribers in the west.

In light of that, the projected number of people who are ready to jump back into Classic appears to be nothing short of amazing.

A wild ride for new players

Many of us still remember 2004’s World of Warcraft. Yet, there’s also a lot of newcomers who haven’t been around during vanilla WoW – it’s been fifteen years after all. So much has changed over the years it would be enough to fill a dozen articles with.

Tier sets, valor points, armor penetration, reforging, versatility and many other concepts came and went and for new players, it might seem a daunting task to get into WoW Classic.


This article is meant to serve as guide for newer players. As such, we’ll be discussing DPS classes, because that’s what most fresh starters will be playing.

Why should I choose a DPS class?

Why should you be playing DPS? There’s a variety of reasons for that. In WoW Classic, there’s no easy switching between specs as it has existed in retail WoW since the days of Wrath of the Lich King.

As such, you will most likely be leveling in the spec you plan on playing as during the endgame. Additionally, leveling in WoW Classic is slow.

The current record on reaching level 60 sits at roughly 4 days and 20 hours, but most people will be looking at way higher numbers. Choose a tank or healer, and you could be easily looking at double these numbers.

Additionally, while healers and tanks are in high demand for five man instances, most raid bosses only require two tanks and roughly ten to twelve healers. That means 26 slots of your 40 main raid comp will be filled by DPS players.

What Does The Most Dmg In Classic At 60wizardstree

Thus, getting a raid slot is considerably easier as a DPS class. There’s also the issue of farming, and boy, you will definitely farm a lot in Classic. Reputation, crafting materials and world buffs all require you to solo single player content and tanks and healers are usually pretty bad at that.

So what’s WoW Classic going to be like? Is it really #nochanges?

Before we discuss which DPS class you should choose, we first need to discern what sets WoW Classic apart from the WoW that launched in 2004.

While Blizzard has vowed to stay true to the game multiple times with the hashtag #nochanges, WoW Classic is still a far cry from the WoW that launched in September 2004.

The most important thing to know is that World of Warcraft Classic will be based on patch 1.12. It would go way beyond the scope of this article to list all the changes that happened from 1.0 to 1.12.

However, it at least means that a lot of the classes and specs and specs are in a way better state than at launch.

Another impactful change is the rise of addons since the days of WoW 1.0. Back in the day, few people were using any addons at all. That meant that a lot of raids consisted of players that had absolutely no clue what they were doing – you could still get a raid slot if you were a hunter who did nothing but auto shot/afk in Molten Core.

These days, pretty much everyone will be rocking a DPS meter, so performances will be accurately measured and raid slots will go to the people who picked the right classes and are doing their rotation and interrupts correctly to ensure the raid goes smoothly for everyone.

We also need to remind ourselves that Classic, just like 2004’s WoW, will be only dropping two pieces of loot per raid boss. That means gearing is considerably slower than what we’ve gotten used to over the last fifteen years.


Additionally, Blizzard has revealed that some of the catchup gear that was later available through dungeons like Dire Maul won’t be in place at launch. This will mean that loot will go to the best DPS classes first.

Threat actually matters in WoW Classic. There’s plenty of classes whose damage is capped by the amount of threat the tank can generate. Some classes are not capped in raw damage capability but rather by threat.

Classes that have no way to mitigate thread are usually less sought after than classes that have an easy threat dump like rogues.

A tool for every task

There are a lot of activities even in classic WoW. A class that might be good for leveling is not automatically good for PvP or raiding. To make matters worse, the relative ranking of a DPS class might change depending on your gear.

And then again some classes have multiple specs that might perform decidedly different under various scenarios.

There’s a lot of factors in which DPS class you should choose. The first criterium you’ll probably be looking at is whether you’ll go melee or ranged, with ranged classes being usually more useful all-around and melees usually being a bit stronger at PvP.

Your next choice should be whether you want to focus on PvP or PvE. While there’s no gear and skill difference between both modes like in retail, you’ll still have to build and gear your character accordingly.

The playstyle you enjoy will definitely be a major factor in picking the correct class. If you’re a guns blazing type of guy, you’ll probably be better off with a warrior than a rogue.

Whether you’ll play alone or in groups is also important in picking which class to choose. The pet classes are usually considered ideal for solo play.

Professions are also something you should consider. While it’s entirely possibly to be a hunter and level tailoring, it’s probably not the ideal choice

Ranking of best DPS classes in Classic WoW

To accurately rank DPS classes (and specs), we’ve decided to rank them by four scores:

  • The Leveling Score will describe how easy it is to bring the spec to 60.
  • The Five Man Score will describe how good the spec is in five man dungeons.
  • The Raiding Score will depict how useful the class is in endgame raid scenarios.
  • The PvP Score will show how useful the class is in battlegrounds and duels.

Keep in mind that this list focuses on DPS capabilities only.

So let’s hop in and start with the first class, the Shaman.


Shamans are a hybrid class. Being a hybrid class in classic WoW usually means you’re better off healing than doing damage and Shamans are no exception to this rule.

Elemental Shamans can do competitive damage but run out of mana during most raiding encounters. There is barely any competitive gear for enhancement shamans in Scholomance, Stratholme and Molten Core and only a few pieces in Blackwing Lair.

Considering the low amount of gear that drops in Classic, we can’t recommend choosing a DPS shaman for raiding. They’re great however for PvP, where they can easily defeat a high number of classes in duels and are highly useful in battlegrounds.

Windfury isn’t on any internal cooldown, so the feeling when you’re one-shotting cloth and leather classes with Hand of Ragnaros will still be there.

Leveling score: B+

Five Man score: B

Raiding score: D

PvP score: A


Paladins are also a hybrid class, albeit with only one DPS spec. Much of the same that has been said for Shamans is true for Paladins as well. In addition to the shortcomings in damage, Paladins also heavily rely on procs and additionally suffer from generating a very high amount of threat, yet still do low damage.

With Paladins bringing perhaps the best buffs of all classes in WoW Classic, expect to be asked to heal in raids and nothing else. For five mans, Paladins are okay, yet still bottom of the pack.

In PvP, a well-played Paladin can be almost unkillable. Due to the low amount of damage, Paladins are not great levelers. They are however, able to heal themselves, which speeds up levelling considerable.

Leveling score: C

Five Man score: C

Raiding score: F

PvP score: B+


Druids have two damage specs: feral and balance. Deep balance is probably the worst DPS spec in the entire game, suffering from low damage and mana problems.

Ferals could be decent if they had proper gear in the game for them. Alas, drops are very rare and scaling with equipment is horrible. Unless you plan to continuously farm Gnomeregan for a consumable weapon drop, Feral damage is not competitive.

As their saving grace, Feral druids are among the best levelers in the game on the back of their HoTs and cat form. Both Ferals and Moonkins are not really viable for raiding.

Ferals have some perks in PvP like stealth and stuns, but overall, it’s nothing to brag about.

Leveling Score: A-

Five Man Score: C

Raiding Score: E

PvP Score: C


Priests have just one damage spec, Shadow. While it’s a fun spec that can do well in PvP, leveling and five-mans, it’s not particularly viable in raid scenarios due to mana shortages.

Shadow Priests are great for leveling with low downtime, but you can fully be expected to be asked to heal in all endgame activities.

Leveling Score: B+

Five Man Score: B-

Raiding Score: E

PvP Score: B+


Warriors are a semi-hybrid class. They have DPS and tank specs. Warriors start out horribly, with low rage generation, low mobility and very few useful abilities for PvE.


All in all, they’re considered terrible at leveling as well. Warriors are amongst the worst duelers in the entire game. Their saving grace is that they scale amazingly with gear, so by the time Naxxramas rolls around, they’re competing with fire mages for the top DPS spot.

They’re also quite viable in group PvP and battlegrounds.

Leveling Score: F

Five Man Score: D

Raiding Score: B-

PvP Score: B


Hunters are one of, if not the most popular class of classic WoW. Beastmasters were considerably buffed in patch 1.12, so beastmastery and marksmanships specs are both playable.

Beastmastery is arguably being the best leveling spec in the entire game and marksmanship is one of the most useful raiding specs. Full survival isn’t particularly viable, but the tree offers worthwhile choices both for PvE and PvP hunters.

Hunters are great in five mans too, with traps offering some form of crowd control (albeit not as good as the much coveted sheep) and good damage from range. They also wear mail gear, which isn’t shared by many classes – that means more drops for you.

Hunters are probably the best damage dealers in Molten Core and get a unique tool in tranquilizing shot. They fall somewhat behind the pack in AQ40 and Naxxramas, but until then, they’re absolutely invaluable.

They aren’t the best in duels, but in battlegrounds they are still great thanks to traps and viper sting.

Leveling Score: A

Five Man Score: B+

Raiding Score: B

PvP Score: B-


Warlocks make up the other class that uses pets. Pets make the leveling process a lot more smooth and lifetap ensures that they are not quite as reliant on food and drink as other classes. Warlocks have some crowd control through seduce, and banish is an invaluable tool especially in Molten Core.

In general, Warlocks are considered among the best PvP classes in the games. In raids, Warlocks suffer from limited debuff slots (although Blizzard has increased the limit considerably) and also from the fact that they generate so much threat.

The bane of warlocks in PvE is that mages can do nearly everything better than them. It’s still an amazing class and you can’t really go wrong rolling a warlock.

Leveling Score: A-

Five Man Score: B+

Raiding Score: B-

PvP Score: A-


Rogues are a great class. When starting out, they feel quite weak due to low damage and leather armor. At level 60 however, they’re absolutely a force to be reckoned with, rocking stealth, high burst and high sustained damage.

Rogues are also the class with the best threat management, something which is very important in WoW Classic. They bring a lot of tools to control a PvP fight and if a rogue opens up on you, you’re generally going to die.

A lot of gear drops for rogues and with Feral druids most often relegated to healing, rogues gets first dibs on everything. Rogues are less good in group PvP, but are still highly useful for capping flags in battlegrounds. Sap is also one of the best forms of crowd control in five mans.

Leveling Score: B-

Five Man Score: B+

Raiding Score: A-

PvP Score: A-


Mages are quite possibly the best DPS class in WoW Classic. With high numbers of humanoid enemies being everywhere, their sheep spell is widely considered the best form of crowd control in the entire game.

Mages do high damage, have massive crowd control, bring an interrupt and are ranged to boot. On top of that, they’re also able to quickly travel around the world with portals and can conjure food and drink. Mages are indispensable for decursing in dungeons and raids.

They start out strong throughout the raids and stay strong, with fire mages being possibly the best DPS in Naxxramas, the final raid in WoW Classic.

Mages are also great in PvP, although they suffer a bit against Warlocks and Shamans.

Leveling Score: B+

Five Man Score: A-

Raiding Score: A

PvP Score: B+


If you’re entirely new to WoW Classic, we recommend picking a mage, hunter or warlock if you’re into DPS.

You can’t go wrong with any of the pure DPS classes, but we feel those three classes are best suited for beginners.

Hunters and warlocks have a bit of an edge through the leveling process, while mages are simply the swiss army knife of WoW Classic.

One of the highest PvE DPS builds for Raiding in Classic World of Warcraft

You can find all our Pocket Guides for other WoW Classic Classes builds right here: Best WoW Classic Builds

If you have just started leveling your Rogue, you may want to check out our Rogue leveling Guide first

  • Added Phase 2 BiS Equipment
  • Added Phase 3 BiS Equipment
  • Reviewed Talent Builds, Consumables, and Rotations

Build Overview

Combat Rogue is one of the best DPS Classes in Classic WoW, losing only to Warrior when it comes to pure numbers. His Energy mechanic (in Classic, Rogue gains 20 Energy every 2 seconds) allows him to keep up his DPS even in the longest of encounters, making Sustain not an issue at all. However, in very long fights, Rogue might be forced to reapply his poisons as they have limited charges. This can lead to a slight DPS loss, but it is negligible when compared to a loss caused by running out of resources. He has access to two solid threat-management tools in a form of Vanish and Feint, so he is able to deal steady damage without any real risk of gaining Bosse's unwanted attention (for as long as he pays attention to his Threat meter, of course). Unlike some other Classes/Specs, Combat Rogue performs at the top level throughout all the content Phases, which makes him a solid DPS choice for any Raid Tier. His Utility, while not the best in Raids, can prove to be irreplaceable in smaller groups or in certain Raid encounters, like suppression room in Blackwing Lair. The only real drawback of Combat Rogue is his popularity. Finding a spot in a decent Raiding guild might be a slight problem, but it can be overcome with a little bit of hard work and dedication because solid and dedicated Raiders are always in high demand.

Pros Cons
Very high and stable Damage output Lightly armored Class with rather low HP pool - can die instantly after accidentally pulling aggro in Raid.
Good threat management options Somewhat limited Raid utility
Great Sustain Poisons have a limited number of charges
Scales very well with gear Finding a good Raiding guild might be somewhat difficult because of Rogue's popularity
Very strong in PvP, even in a dedicated PvE build High competition for items in Raids

The Best Race Choice

Note: Here, we will point you only towards the best PvE DPS Rogue Race. If you'd like to know more about other race picks, please check our WoW Classic Beginners Guide, where we dive deep into all available Rogue's race choices for both factions.


If you want your Racials to affect your DPS, there is only one choice in Alliance and it is Human. His Sword Specialization gives him a considerable edge over other available allied races. It decreases your chance to miss an attack, reduces enemy's chance to dodge, block, and parry, and most of all reduces glancing blow (glancing blows deal damage reduced in proportion to the difference between Target's defense skill and Attaker's weapon skill) penalty, which is huge for DPS.

If you are going for a Dagger build, the race choice becomes very much open. We recommend Dwarf or Gnome in this case, because of their solid PvP-centred Racials - Stone Form and Escape Artist.

If Rogues could use Axes in Classic, the choice would be unbelievably simple, but they sadly can't, so it isn't. There are two solid Race choices, that affect DPS, to go for on Horde's side - Orc and Troll, but the power of Undead's Will of the Forsaken can't be overlooked either. Orc's Blood Fury is generally better than Troll's Berserking (the problem with Berserking on a DPS character is the fact that you shouldn't be taking damage, so it will give you only 10% Haste in most situations, which is underwhelming when we take its long CD into consideration). All in all, Orc wins (and he is great for PvP as well), but not as clearly as Human on Alliance's side.

The Best Professions Choice

There is only one profession that makes a real impact in Raids and it is Engineering (Alchemy is also a decent option, but you can buy Flasks, Elixirs, and Potions from other players, which makes it much less impactful). It gives you access to powerful explosives that increase your AoE and Single-Target DPS. On top of that, it lets you create and use Gnomish Battle Chicken Trinket that summons a Guardian Chicken that fights at your side and has a chance on hit to cast a 'Battle Squawk' which boosts Melee attack speed of all Party members by 5%, making it a must-have in every competitive group. The fact that Engineering is also considered the best PvP profession is an added benefit to its power in PvE environment.

World Of Warcraft Classic Stats Explained | What Each Stats Does

At the start, you should pick Mining to supplement your Engineering Skill, you can always switch it to another profession of your liking later on.

Note: If you want to know more about all available professions and secondary skills, please check our detailed WoW Classic Professions Guide.

Statistics Priority

  1. Hit Rating - Increases your chance to Hit a Target. At level 60, with a Weapon Skill of 300, you have a 5% chance to miss with a special attack against a Target of equal level. Against level 63 Boss, who has 315 Defense skill, you need 9% Hit Rating to never miss a special attack. This means that getting 9% Hit Rating is paramount for a Raiding Rogue and should be your first goal when gearing up.
  1. Weapon Skill - Increases your chance to Hit, decreases enemy's chance to Block, Dodge, and Parry, and counteracts Glancing Blow Penalty. As a Rogue, you get 5 Weapon skills in Swords, Daggers, and Fist Weapons with the Weapon Expertise Talent, but you need at least 5 more. These 5 points can be provided by Human's Racial (for Sword Spec) or by Aged Core Leather Gloves (Drop from Molten Core; for Dagger spec).
  1. Agility - Increases your Ranged and Melee Attack Power by 1 AP per 1 Agility (at all levels), improves your Dodge chance by 1% per 14,5 Agility, and Critical Strike chance by 1% per 29 Agility (at level 60). This is your primary stat and you should look for it on all item upgrades after covering Hit Rating and Weapon Skill.
  1. Attack Power/Strength - 1 point of Strength provides Rogue with 1 Attack Power, making these two stats equal. They both increase Damage but have a much lower impact than Agility.
  1. Critical Strike - Increases your chance to deal bonus (critical) damage with all your attacks. Crit is a powerful stat for any rogue, but it gets a bit overshadowed by the fact that Agility provides both Crit Chance and Attack Power.

The Best Talent Builds

Proper Talent allocation is essential for maximizing Damage output. Here, we will describe the most optimal spec and lead you through the Talent Trees level-by-level to explain some choices.

There are two paths to choose - Swords Combat Build and Daggers Combat Build. Swords variant wins on DPS, but one might opt for Daggers setup, as it makes getting solid PvP weapons in Raids much easier.

Note: There are two versions of Daggers Build. The second one is based on the Seal Fate Talent from the Assassination Tree and requires a lot of Critical Strike chance (~30%) to work properly, which is not really achievable before Phase 5 without dropping below 9% Hit Cap, which is unacceptable. We will feature this build as soon as Phase 5 starts.

Swords Combat Rogue PvE DPS Build

Assassination Tree:

  • 5/5Malice
  • 3/3Ruthlessness - This Talent brings some RNG to Rogue's rotation, but the boost that it brings is definitely worth it.
  • 2/2Murder - A lot of the Bosses are either Humanoids, Giants, Beasts or Dragonkin, which makes this Talent a must-have (it is a bit underwhelming in Molten Core, however).
  • 3/3Improved Slice and Dice - Makes your Slice and Dice much more efficient and cheaper to maintain at all times.
  • 5/5Lethality - More Damage from Sinister Strike Crits. This talent scales very well with gear.

Combat Tree:

  • 3/3Improved Gouge - More of a PvP Talent, but it finds some uses in PvE as well.
  • 2/2Improved Sinister Strike - More Sinister Strikes = more DPS.
  • 1/5Lightning Reflexes - This Talent has close to 0 value in PvE, but the point has to go somewhere to unlock higher tier Combat Talents.
  • 5/5Precision
  • 2/2 Endurance - Allows you to Sprint more often, which makes you more mobile and less prone to losing DPS because of encounter mechanics.
  • 2/2 Improved Sprint - Your Sprint now also breaks movement impairing effects, which is essential in some encounters.
  • 5/5Dual Wield Specialization - With this Talent, your offhand Weapon deals 75% of normal Damage instead of standard 50%.
  • 1/1Blade Flurry - Strong DPS Cooldown that also allows you to Cleave your Damage to a second Target.
  • 5/5Sword Specialization - Solid Talent that passively boosts your DPS. Be aware that this Talent's procs will reset your Swing Timer (you should use your abilities immediately after Auro-Attack swings - get a Swing Timer Addon - because of that).
  • 2/2 Weapon Expertise - Weapon Skill increase is very hard to get on Items and this talent provides you with 5 points!
  • 3/3 Aggression
  • 1/1Adrenaline Rush - Very strong offensive Cooldown that increases your Energy regeneration rate by 100% for 15 seconds. Be aware that your Energy will tick for 40 per 2 seconds instead of 20 per 2 seconds when this is active (keep track of your energy levels, or you might waste some of it).

Daggers Combat Rogue PvE DPS Build

Assassination Tree:

  • 5/5Malice
  • 2/2Murder
  • 3/3Improved Slice and Dice
  • 5/5Lethality

Combat Tree:

  • 3/3Improved Gouge
  • 2/2Improved Sinister Strike - you'll want to use Backstab with this build, but this should provide you with more value than 2/5 Lightning Reflexes anyway.
  • 3/3Improved Backstab - Additional 30% Crit chance with Backstab. A must-have.
  • 5/5Precision
  • 2/2 Endurance
  • 2/2 Improved Sprint
  • 5/5Dagger Specialization - even more Critical Strike chance.
  • 5/5Dual Wield Specialization
  • 1/1Blade Flurry
  • 2/2 Weapon Expertise
  • 1/1Adrenaline Rush

Subtlety Tree:

  • 5/5Opportunity - 20% Extra Damage from Backstab, Garrote, and Ambush abilities. We advise you to watch out for your Ambushes at the start of Combat, as you might accidentally pull Aggro with them - just give Tank a while to generate some Threat.

Where to get Pre-Raid/Raid BiS Gear


In order to maximize your DPS, you should aim to assemble the best possible Gear. This applies to both Pre-Raid and each of the Raid Tiers/Phases. Also, remember that it is the armament that gives the highest DPS boost, so you should start by getting the best rogue weapons available. Below, we present you the BiS (Bst-in-slot) list for all equipment slots.

Note1: The list will be updated with new items concurrently with the introduction of new Raids/Phases, so remember to visit this page after new Raid opens for an update on what current best Rogue items in each lot are.

WoW Classic Class Guide: Best Classes For Solo & Group Play ...

The Best Rogue Items
Weapon (MH)
  • Pre-Raid - Felstriker(Dagger)/Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge(Sword) (Both drop from Warchief Rend Blackhand, Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 - Perdition's Blade(Dagger) (Drop from Ragnaros, Molten Core) / Vis'kag the Bloodletter(Sword) (Drop from Onyxia, Onyxia's Lair)
  • Phase 2 - Grand Marshal's Longsword/High Warlord's Blade (Rank 14 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Grand Marshal's Longsword/High Warlord's Blade / Chromatically Tempered Sword (Drop from Chromaggus, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Weapon (OH)
  • Pre-Raid - Dal'Rend's Tribal Guardian(Sword) (Drop from Warchief Rend Blackhand, Upper Blackrock Spire) / Alcor's Sunrazor(Dagger) (BoE World Drop)
  • Phase 1 - Brutality Blade(Sword) (Drop from Garr, Molten Core) /Core Hound Tooth(Dagger) (Cashe of the Firelord, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Grand Marshal's Swiftblade/High Warlord's Quickblade (Rank 14 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Grand Marshal's Swiftblade/High Warlord's Quickblade / Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight (Drop from Broodlord Lashlayer, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Blackcrow (Drop from Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin, Lower Blackrock Spire) / Precisely Calibrated Boomstick (BoE World Drop)
  • Phase 1 - Striker's Mark (Drop from Magmadar, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Striker's Mark
  • Phase 3 - Striker's Mark
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Trinket 1
  • Pre-Raid - Hand of Justice (Drop from Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, Blackrock Depths)
  • Phase 1 - Hand of Justice
  • Phase 2 - Hand of Justice
  • Phase 3 - Hand of Justice
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Trinket 2
  • Pre-Raid - Blackhand's Breadth (Quest Reward from 'For the Horde!' / 'General Drakkisath's Demise', Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 - Blackhand's Breadth
  • Phase 2 - Blackhand's Breadth
  • Phase 3 - Drake Fang Talisman (Drop from Ebonroc, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Mark of Fordring (Quest Reward from 'In Dreams', Western Plaguelands)
  • Phase 1 - Onyxia Tooth Pendant (Quest Reward from 'For All To See' / 'Celebrating Good Times', Onyxia's Lair)
  • Phase 2 - Onyxia Tooth Pendant
  • Phase 3 - Prestor's Talisman of Connivery (Drop from Nefarian, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Ring 1
  • Pre-Raid - Blackstone Ring (Drop from Princess Theradras, Maraudon)
  • Phase 1 - Blackstone Ring
  • Phase 2 - Don Julio's Band (Alterac Valley Reputation Reward - Exalted)
  • Phase 3 - Don Julio's Band
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Ring 2
  • Pre-Raid - Painweaver Band (Drop from General Drakkisath, Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 - Band of Accuria(Drop from Ragnaros, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Band of Accuria
  • Phase 3 - Band of Accuria
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Mask of the Unforgiven (Drop from The Unforgiven, Stratholme)
  • Phase 1 - Bloodfang Hood (Drop from Onyxia, Onyxia's Lair)
  • Phase 2 - Bloodfang Hood / Field Marshal's Leather Mask/Warlord's Leather Helm (Rank 13 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Hood / Field Marshal's Leather Mask/Warlord's Leather Helm
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Cadaverous Armor (Drop from Multiple Bosses, Scholomance)
  • Phase 1 - Nightslayer Chestpiece (Drop from Golemagg the Incinerator, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Field Marshal's Leather Chestpiece/Warlord's Leather Breastplate (Rank 13 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Chestpiece (Drop from Nefarian, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Devilsaur Leggings (Leatherworking Recipe)
  • Phase 1 - Bloodfang Pants (Drop from Ragnaros, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Bloodfang Pants
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Pants
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Devilsaur Gauntlets (Leatherworking Recipe)
  • Phase 1 - Nightslayer Gloves(Drop from Gehennas, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Nightslayer Gloves
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Gloves (Drop from various bosses, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Swiftwalker Boots (Drop from Princess Moira Bronzebeard, Blackrock Depths)
  • Phase 1 - Nightslayer Boots (Drop from Shazzrah, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Nightslayer Boots
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Boots (Drop from Broodlord Lashlayer, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Truestrike Shoulders (Drop from Pyroguard Emberseer, Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 - Nightslayer Shoulder Pads (Drop from Sulfuron Harbinger, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Nightslayer Shoulder Pads / Field Marshal's Leather Epaulets/Warlord's Leather Spaulders (Rank 13 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Spaulders (Drop from Chromaggus. Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Deepfury Bracers (BoE World Drop)
  • Phase 1 - Nightslayer Bracelets (Trash Mobs (BoE), Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Nightslayer Bracelets
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Bracers (Drop from Razorgore the Untamed, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Cloudrunner Girdle (Drop from Quartermaster Zigris, Lower Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 - Nightslayer Belt (Trash Mobs (BoE), Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Nightslayer Belt
  • Phase 3 - Bloodfang Belt (Drop from Vaelestrasz the Corrupt, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Cape of the Black Baron (Drop from Baron Rivendare, Stratholme)
  • Phase 1 - Cape of the Black Baron
  • Phase 2 - Puissant Cape (Drop from Azuregos, Azshara World Boss)
  • Phase 3 - Clock of Firemaw (Drop from Firemaw, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA

The Best Enchants and Consumables

Proper enchants and consumables will greatly increase your Damage output. While getting enchants is a one-time-deal, farming consumables might be a real chore, but it is still worth it as numbers clearly show.

The Best Enchants
Weapon (MH)Enchant Weapon - Crusader (Chance to gain +125 Strength for 15 sec.)
Weapon (OH)Enchant Weapon - Crusader (Chance to gain +125 Strength for 15 sec.)
HeadLesser Arcanum of Voracity (+8 Agility, available from Libram of Voracity Quest in Burning Steppes)
ChestEnchant Chest - Greater Stats (+4 to all stats)
LegsLesser Arcanum of Voracity (+8 Agility, available from Libram of Voracity Quest in Burning Steppes)
HandsEnchant Gloves - Greater Agility (+ 7 Agility)
FeetEnchant Boots - Minor Speed (+8% Run Speed) or Enchant Boots - Greater Agility (+7 Agility)
ShouldersChromatic Mantle of the Dawn (+5 to all Resistances)
WristsEnchant Bracer - Superior Strength (+9 Strength)
BackEnchant Cloak - Lesser Agility (+3 Agility)

The Best Consumables

Instant Poison VI
20% chance of poisoning the enemy, dealing 112-148 Nature Damage instantly. 115 Charges.

+25 Strength for 60 minutes. Reward from the Rage of Ages repeatable Quest in the Blasted Lands.

Elixir of the Mongoose
+25 Agility and +2% Critical Strike Chance for 60 minutes. Can be bought on AH or directly from an Alchemist.

Juju Power
+30 Strength for 30 minutes. Reward from a reputable Quest available from NPC Witch Doctor Mau'ari, Everlook, Winterspring.

Juju Might
+40 Attack Power for 10 minutes. Reward from a reputable Quest available from NPC Witch Doctor Mau'ari, Everlook, Winterspring.

Winterfall Firewater
+35 Attack Power for 20 minutes. Drop from Winterfall Furbolgs in Winterpring (this is an alternative for JuJu Might, as the effects don't stack).

Thistle Tea
Instantly grants 100 Energy. Created by Cooking, Recipe can be obtained from 'Kalven's Tower' Rogue Quest.

Grilled Squid
+10 Agility for 10 minutes. Created by Cooking, Raw Squids can be fished, but only during Winter.


In Classic, Rogue follows more of a priority list than a strict rotation. On top of that, the list changes slightly depending on the Weapon (and build) you are currently using)

Note: most of the time, you'll want to use your Cooldowns at the start of combat, so that you'll get a second (and a third in long encounters) charge before the fight ends.

Rogue's opening sequence looks as follows:

Details!- Details Is A Damage Meter AddOn That Also Includes A Threat Meter Plugin (Tiny Threat). You Need Details Version C188 Or Later (/details Will Show The Version In-game).

Opener (Ambush/Garrote, or even Sinister Strike/Backstab - depending on chosen build/situation) ⇒ Slice and Dice ⇒ Adrenaline Rush ⇒ 5x Sinister Strike/Backstab (depending on chosen build/situation) ⇒ Slice and Dice ⇒ Here, standard single-target Priority list kicks in

Please use the following Priority List for sustained Single-Target Damage output:

  1. Maintain Slice and Dice at all times (use it with 5 Combo Points)
  1. Vanish if too high on Threat and there is a danger of pulling Aggro
  1. Adrenaline Rush on Cooldown
  1. Blade Flurry when Adrenaline Rush is active or when multiple Targets available
  1. Eviscerate at 5 Combo Points
  1. Sinister Strike/Backstab as a CP generator (depending on the situation/build)
Rogue does not have an AoE Rotation, as he lacks any AoE abilities. When in an AoE situation, use Blade Flurry, throw Grenades (if applicable) and continue with your Single-Target Rotation.

Tips and Tricks for aspiring Rogue Raiders

  1. If you want to deal more Damage and stand out from your Raid competition, Stack Consumables. Spending some additional Gold or a few extra hours grinding might secure you a spot in a Raid, as Raid leaders prefer dedicated and well-prepared players.
  1. Do not ever overcap your Combo Points or Energy, but don't just spam Energy requiring abilities, try to maintain a stable Energy level (60-80).
  1. You should always try to use your Finishing Moves with 5 Combo Points in order to maximize efficiency. Keep track of Ruthlessness procs, as they can change the math slightly (don't just spam 5x Sinister Strike/Backstab into finisher, keep track of your current CP).
  1. Use Macros. You should add a /startattack macro to all your offensive abilities. Other macros, like /cancelaura 'x', Weapon Swaps (/equip 'WeaponName') and even mouseovers (/cast [target=mouseover, exists] AbilityName; AbilityName) are worth considering as well. Weapon Swap macros can be especially useful if you have multiple Weapons, with different Poisons applied, in your bags (you can swap weapons to apply poisons as needed).
  1. Always try to improve. Get an addon that tracks your performance and try to optimize your equipment and rotation.


This Guide should help you to prepare yourself for that legendary Vanilla Raiding Experience and allow you to progress through Raid Tiers efficiently and with a good amount of fun.

We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. If we have missed a piece of information that is important to you, please let us know!

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Enchant Cloak - Subtlety: Decreases Threat Caused By 2%.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment Inc.